
Pay Per Click Pricing


  • Bid Management
  • Cost and Performance Analysis
  • Geo Targeting Improvement
  • Check In Calls/Meetings
  • Monthly Campaign Performance Report


  • Bid Management
  • Keyword Research
  • Keywords Selection
  • Keywords Performance Analysis
  • Competitor’s Analysis
  • Cost and Performance Analysis
  • Geo Targeting Improvement
  • Check In Calls/Meetings
  • Monthly Campaign Performance Report


  • Bid Management
  • Keyword Research
  • Keywords Selection
  • Keywords Performance Analysis
  • Keywords Bid Optimization
  • Competitor’s Analysis
  • Cost and Performance Analysis
  • Geo Targeting Improvement
  • Check In Calls/Meetings
  • Monthly Campaign Performance Report
  • Google Analytic Report
  • Pricing table list item
  • Performance Monitoring Report
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